Introduction: data model and usage

Core data model

+----+  * +-------+  * +-----+  * +-------+  * +----+ *   1 +-----+
+----+    +---+---+    +-----+    +-------+    +----+       +-----+
              ^ *         ^         | *   |                    ^ 1
              |           |         |     |  * +------+ *      |
          +---+--------+  |         |     +--->|Metric|--------+
          |Subscription|  |         |          +------+
          +------------+  |         v 1
          +-------------+ |       +-----------+
          |ProjectStatus|-+       |Environment|
          +-------------+         +-----------+

SQUAD is multi-group and multi-project. Each group can have multiple projects. For each project, you can have multiple builds, and for each build, multiple test runs. Each test run can include multiple test results, which can be either pass/fail results, or metrics, containing one or more measurement values. Test and metric results can belong to a Suite, which is a basically used to group and analyze results together. Every test suite must be associated with exactly one Environment, which describes the environment in which the tests were executed, such as hardware platform, hardware configuration, OS, build settings (e.g. regular compilers vcs optimized compilers), etc. Results are always organized by environments, so we can compare apples to apples.

Projects can have subscriptions, which are either users or manually-entered email addreses that should be notified about important events such as changing test results. ProjectStatus records the most recent build of a project, against which future results should be compared in search for important events to notify subscribers about. SQUAD also supports a metric threshold system, which will send notification to project subscribers if the test result metrics exceed a certain value. The threshold values will also appear in the charts. Projects have the project_settings field for any specific configuration it might require.

Builds can be compared against baselines exposing regressions and fixes. Visit /_/comparebuilds/, select a project then two builds from it. This comparison will go over each build's tests and find all different states from each. For instance if a test failed in baseline but passes in a more current one, this is considered to be a "fix". The opposite is called "regression". The concept can vary for other transitions.

Submitting results

The API is the following

POST /api/submit/:group/:project/:build/:environment

  • :group is the group identifier. It must exist previously.

  • :project is the project identifier. It must exist previously.

  • :build is the build identifier. It can be a git commit hash, a Android manifest hash, or anything really. Extra information on the build can be submitted as an attachment. If a build timestamp is not informed there, the time of submission is assumed.

  • :environment is the environmenr identitifer. It will be created automatically if does not exist before.

All of the above identifiers (:group, :project, :build, and :environment) must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*.

The test data files must be submitted as either file attachments, or as regular POST parameters. . The following files are supported:

  • tests: test results data

  • metrics: metrics data

  • metadata: metadata about the test run

  • attachment: arbitrary file attachments. Multiple attachments can be submitted by providing this parameter multiple times.

See Input file formats below for details on the format of the data files.

Example with test data as file uploads:

$ curl \
    --header "Authorization: token $SQUAD_TOKEN" \
    --form tests=@/path/to/test-results.json \
    --form metrics=@/path/to/metrics.json \
    --form metadata=@/path/to/metadata.json \
    --form log=@/path/to/log.txt \
    --form attachment=@/path/to/screenshot.png \
    --form attachment=@/path/to/extra-info.txt \

Example with test data as regular POST parameters:

$ curl \
    --header "Authorization: token $SQUAD_TOKEN" \
    --form tests='{"test1": "pass", "test2": "fail"}' \
    --form metrics='{"metric1": 21, "metric2": 4}' \
    --form metadata='{"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux", "job_id": 123}' \
    --form log='log text ...' \
    --form attachment=@/path/to/screenshot.png \
    --form attachment=@/path/to/extra-info.txt \

Example with test data using Python's requests library:

import json
import requests
import os

tests = json.dumps({"test1": "pass", "test2": "fail"})
metrics = json.dumps({"metric1": 21, "metric2": 4})
metadata = json.dumps({"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux", "job_id": 123})
log = 'log text ...'

headers = {"Authorization": f"token {os.getenv('SQUAD_TOKEN')}"}
url = ''
data = {"metadata": metadata, "log": log, "tests": tests_file}

result =, headers=headers, data=data)
if not result.ok:
    print(f"Error submitting to qa-reports: {result.reason}: {result.text}")

Since test results should always come from automation systems, the API is the only way to submit results into the system. Even manual testing should be automated with a driver program that asks for user input, and them at the end prepares all the data in a consistent way, and submits it to dashboard.

If input data is valid and nothing goes wrong with the request, SQUAD will return 201 as status code and the test run id in the response body.

Input file formats

Test results

Test results must be posted as JSON, encoded in UTF-8. The JSON data must be a hash (an object, strictly speaking). Test names go in the keys, and values must be either "pass" or "fail". Case does not matter, so "PASS"/"FAIL" will work just fine. Any value that when downcased is not either "pass" or "fail" will be mapped to None/NULL and displayed in the UI as skip.

Tests that have "fail" as results and are known to have any issues are displayed as xfail (eXpected-fail).

Tests can be grouped in test suites. For that, the test name must be prefixed with the suite name and a slash (/). Therefore, slashes are reserved characters in this context, and cannot be used in test names. There is one exception to this rule. If test name contains square brackets ([, ]) they are considered as test variant. The string inside brackets can contain slashes. Suite names can have embedded slashes in them; so "foo/bar" means suite "foo", test "bar"; and "foo/bar/baz" means suite "foo/bar", test "baz".


  "test1": "pass",
  "test2": "pass",
  "testsuite1/test1": "pass",
  "testsuite1/test2": "fail",
  "testsuite2/subgroup1/testA": "pass",
  "testsuite2/subgroup2/testA": "pass",
  "testsuite2/subgroup2/testA[variant/one]": "pass",
  "testsuite2/subgroup2/testA[variant/two]": "pass"

There is an alternative format for sending results. Since SQUAD supports storing test log in the Test object, passed JSON file can look as follows:

  "test1": {"result": "pass", "log": "test 1 log"},
  "test2": {"result": "pass", "log": "test 2 log"},
  "testsuite1/test1": {"result": "pass", "log": "test 1 log"},
  "testsuite1/test2": {"result": "fail", "log": "test 2 log"}

Both forms are supported. In case log entry is missing or simple JSON format is used, logs for each Test object are empty. They can be filled in using plugins.


Metrics must be posted as JSON, encoded in UTF-8. The JSON data must be a hash (an object, strictly speaking). Metric names go in the keys, and values must be either a single number, or an array of numbers. In the case of an array of numbers, then their mean will be used as the metric result; the whole set of results will be used where applicable, e.g. to display ranges.

As with test results, metrics can be grouped in suites. For that, the test name must be prefixed with the suite name and a slash (/). Therefore, slashes are reserved characters in this context, and cannot be used in test names. Suite names can have embedded slashes in them; so "foo/bar" means suite "foo", metric "bar"; and "foo/bar/baz" means suite "foo/bar", metric "baz".


  "v1": 1,
  "v2": 2.5,
  "group1/v1": [1.2, 2.1, 3.03],
  "group1/subgroup/v1": [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1]


Metadata about the test run must be posted in JSON, encoded in UTF-8. The JSON data must be a hash (an object). Keys and values must be strings. The following fields are recognized:

  • build_url: URL pointing to the origin of the build used in the test run

  • datetime: timestamp of the test run, as a ISO-8601 date representation, with seconds. This is the representation that date --iso-8601=seconds gives you.

  • job_id: identifier for the test run. Must be unique for the project. This field is mandatory

  • job_status: string identifying the status of the project. SQUAD makes no judgement about its value.

  • job_url: URL pointing to the original test run.

  • resubmit_url: URL that can be used to resubmit the test run.

  • suite_versions: a dictionary with version number strings for suite names used in the tests and metrics data. For example, if you have test suites called "foo" and "bar", their versions can be expressed having metadata that looks like this:

        # ...
        "suite_versions": {
            "foo": "1.0",
            "bar": "3.1"

If a metadata JSON file is not submitted, the above fields can be submitted as POST parameters. If a metadata JSON file is submitted, no POST parameters will be considered to be used as metadata.

When sending a proper metadata JSON file, other fields may also be submitted. They will be stored, but will not be handled in any specific way.

CI loop integration (optional)

SQUAD can integrate with existing automation systems to participate in a Continuous Integration (CI) loop through its CI subsystem. For more details check CI module in SQUAD.

Default auth group 'squad'

SQUAD creates by default an auth group with most of the permissions required for authenticated/registered users to view, add, change and delete objects in the projects they have access to. The name of the group is 'squad' by default. All newly created users therefrom are automatically added to this group to eleviate the need for manual intervention to add a user each time one is created.